Throughout the last 8 years, Benedetto has worked closely with an international software company helping them to achieve a 6-to-7-Fold increase in turnover with a comparable increase in profitability. In that time, he has worked right across the organisation collaborating with the Managing Director, different Heads of Sales & Marketing functions, Technical staff and many others.
A company with an excellent product, service and leadership team, these are the areas that Benedetto has helped to deliver the most value.
Several ‘root & branch’ re-brands of the company and their products which…
– Has regularly given them a significant ‘best-in-class’ presentation for the sectors they operate in.
– Brought people together in the organisation involving staff from all teams including Technical/ BD/ Management/ Support/ Learning/ Finance, etc.
– Consistently created a strong framework for future communications bringing values, basic proposition and customer messaging to the fore.
Energised Marketing & Sales Campaigns
Many interesting marketing and sales activities were carried out throughout this period – each helping to attract new customers, sell more to existing clients and increase the average value of purchases.
Some of the highlights were…
– A number of fun campaigns targeting seasonal spends with the public sector.
– More formal marketing communications showcasing the tangible return-on-investment and end-user benefits of the software packages themselves.
– A range of communications, visuals and graphics helping to simplify the purchasing process of the software.
Increased Customer Loyalty
One of the highlights of this partnership was the introduction of a simple system to help end-users unlock the potential of their software. The technical team had found that the majority of users were only utilising 10-15% of their packages so a simple e-newsletter system was brought in to introduce them to one new feature every couple of weeks in a very soft, informative and user-friendly way. These campaigns were a tremendous success in raising overall customer-satisfaction.
Introduced Values and Purpose for Large Pitch Wins
Benedetto was fortunate enough to work with the Business Development team to help them with a number of large pitches and helped by introducing several key messages at choice moments in the presentations emphasising the organisations values, formalising the company’s purpose and communicate supporting activities. Each of which made a significant difference to these pitch-winning communications.
Created a Selection of New, On-Message, Visually Outstanding Brands Associated with the Organisation
Throughout Benedetto’s time working with the company – they acquired another business, eventually merged with that business, created a parent group, launched a flagship event, re-branded an awards ceremony, etc… Benedetto played a key role in the creation of several new brands for each. Every time ensuring that the brand communicated the correct messages and were visually presented at the highest level possible.
Rapid Support
Finally, one of the parts of this relationship which Benedetto is most proud was his and his team’s abilities to very rapidly bring new ideas to the table for a wealth of activities throughout the 8 years. This was a very dynamic company and Benedetto was delighted that he was able to support them throughout this growth period.
Whether it was customer retention, formalising, company culture, building better staff relationships, generating ideas to scale event platforms, thinking of ways to increase sales to existing clients, making plans for better internal comms, considering different ways to present the brand, etc – Benedetto was in regular touch with the management team – usually on a weekly, regularly on a daily basis throughout the 8 years – working across brands, bring new idea to the table or delivering effective outcomes.
As stated at the beginning of this case-study – this was/is an exceptional company with outstanding values, people and products/services which is the real driver of their success however Benedetto is delighted to (alongside his teams at the loft) have played a small part in this success and to be part of a relationship which continues to this day.

Get in touch

Benedetto is always excited to hear about new ideas and exciting plans. Drop him a line…



+44 (0)7534 273 252

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with the loft